Point your direction with Google Map Choose from 4 map styles; terrain, roadmap, hybrid, s..." />
Point your direction with Google Map Choose from 4 map styles; terrain, roadmap, hybrid, s..." /> Google Maps

Venerdì, 04 Novembre 2011 14:52

Google Maps

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Point your direction with Google Map

Choose from 4 map styles; terrain, roadmap, hybrid, satellite. Use multiple map markers, insert custom width and height and also control many display/funtion options like zoom control, mouse wheel control, zoom level and scale.

Full width Google Map

Google Map Hybrid

Google Map Roadmap

Google Map Terrain

Google Map Satelite

Features and Customizations

  • 4 different map styles; roadmap, terrain, satellite, hybrid.
  • Set your prefer width, Use it with column shortcodes.
  • Set width, height, zoom level, scrollwheel, scale, zoom & pan.
  • Advanced customizations tools.

How to use the Google Maps

Full width
[map address="London" type="roadmap" width="100%" height="300px" zoom="10" scrollwheel="no" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes"][/map]

[map address="London" type="hybrid" width="100%" height="300px" zoom="14" scrollwheel="no" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes"][/map]

[map address="London" type="roadmap" width="100%" height="300px" zoom="14" scrollwheel="no" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes"][/map]

[map address="London" type="terrain" width="100%" height="300px" zoom="14" scrollwheel="no" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes"][/map]

[map address="London" type="satellite" width="100%" height="300px" zoom="14" scrollwheel="no" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes"][/map]
Letto 92704 volte Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 03 Dicembre 2012 00:35
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